A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hello and welcome to my game page. I produced all the games by myself and without help. I hope you enjoy them and I wish you a lot of fun.

PlatformsWindows, Linux
TagsFunny, Local multiplayer, Retro
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player countSingleplayer


windows 32 bit.zip 4.5 MB
windows 64 bit without java.zip 4.5 MB
windows 64 bit included java.zip 67 MB
linux 32 bit.zip 4.5 MB
linux 64 bit.zip 4.5 MB
linux-armv6hf.zip 4.4 MB

Install instructions

In the zip folder is a Windows 32 bit version, a windows 64 bit version included java, a linux 32 bit edition, a windows 64bit version and a linux armv6hf version.

You must have installed java without the windows 64 bit version,there is java included. But if you want start the game and you havn't java there comes a link to the java side where you can download it.

Into the zip folder is another folder and inside it are the differents folders for each system. Take the one that you want and put it on your desktop. Inside it you can open the EXE file and start the game.

I hope you will enjoy the game